Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Frost-Biten Hand of Winter

Sure, winter is a time to get together with family and celebrate the birth of a very good (yet more then slightly delusional) man who was probably very good in the art of healing, known as the one and only Jesus Christ, and a time to chow down on that Christmas turkey before your uncle who's been looking forward to that turkey all day can lay a finger on it, but think about it... isn't winter also the most depressing, bitingly cold season of the year?

Sometimes I get the idea that Christmas was invented just to make this terrible, dragged-on season a bit more bearable, and maybe even add a hint of cheer into the hearts of every man and women (which, by the way, summer can do just by being present, thank you very much!)
I mean, I walk outside and the first thing I feel is my facial skin beginning to tighten due to the -9 degree temperatures, and the freezingly unbearable wind waft under my sleeves and rest within my sweater, which you would think was designed to prevent that exact sort of thing from happening.

Unlike summer, you can't stand outside for more then 10 minutes without shivering uncontrollably or not being able to turn your head or move your arms properly because of your incredibly huge jacket.
Unlike summer, you can't do any outdoor activities that don't include getting nearly frozen to death, or at least end with you having a sprained ankle (or worse) due to black ice you apparently didn't notice on the sidewalk, and the guys that salt the cement didn't seem to notice.

Oh, and do you know whats delightful? When it rains! It's such a grand feeling having those nearly frozen raindrops pelt you in the face as you try to walk to school or work. Make sure not to look up, or you may become blind in one eye for the rest of your life!

Honestly, that last bit of sarcasm aside, I only see two good things that come with winter: Christmas, and snow, and even snow can be unbearable in huge doses!

I really can't wait until June.

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